Wide World, Strong Love

Kristin Perkins is a counseling psychologist with a practice that ranges from seeing clients in a one-on-one clinical setting to doing community outreach with families. She is also a somatic practitioner who incorporates archetypical work with Tarot and divination into her work. It was the challenge of balancing her rigorous, evidence based work with her…

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Maple tree

I am a maple tree Missing a limb. A branch – the biggest – Having grown akimbo has tipped the balance and snapped off under its own weight. Food for gravity’s maw: my broken offspring, surrendered to mudblooded rootraw Earth, is a gift to all those ancestors who patiently await further deconstructions. Limbless, I keep…

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Palimpsest: (noun) something reused or altered but still bearing visible traces of its earlier form. Underneath the flying buttresses of Seville cathedral is a mosque. Radiating out from that centre, the mosaic geometries of Moorish architects give shape to this whole city, where Catholic iconography is lain thickly overtop like paste. At the centre of…

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a flower doesn’t push itself open by force: instead, the tight bud just relaxes its grip. it’s no groaning effort but a release: after surviving the struggling emergence out of dark soil, the plant is basted by sun and rain in equal measure. Then, one day the petals just flop open – soggy and radiant…

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Undertow (Zipolite)

Hurtling through Mexico City’s open veins Clotted in a subway car, in a mash of black-clad phone gazers Exhausted and swaying like hooked meat: yet: over there, face lit by yellow flowers Her simple bouquet is a jungle. Later Roaming hills made green in the mist of the Roaring sea I see I’ve dragged with…

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Another day in a world of ruin and light. The gray birds see everything — they sing and they sing.

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A set of turnstiles Each more elaborate Than the last Frisk and shrink us Down to the smudgy gray Passport photos we’ll resemble When we’re dead. Though we clutch our Swaddled possessions, In the hushed caverns of this map-less place : We have Nothing to declare. Duty free: Awash in spirits Some to drink, others…

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after the stormin the forest there is carnage everywhere limbs strewn violently across fresh beds of moss. arbutus, heliotropic reach towards the sun, outstretched like dancing limbs for the kiss of sky’s azure until that same wind that gently spun theminto spiralsshows it’s unleashed fullness roaring through, tears branch from trunk and tosses it with…

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