Happy Friday everyone,
Spring is a mighty force. It’s power melts lakes, turns streams into rushing torrents, and ignites forces of creative juice hot enough to burst seeds clean open. Do you feel it? Yeah, me too.

News update: a couple of my new websites have launched. I’m excited to share the work of Kari Mathieson: chef, caterer, kitchen goddess and now, purveyor of cooking classes on Salt Spring Island. I am treating myself to her East Asian Cooking Class (join me; but hurry hurry!). Also, check out this sweet cottage B&B website: it was a quick, minimalist site for my neighbour who is paying me in farm fresh eggs ( :
Last weekend I attended the federal Liberal Party convention in Victoria. Yes, you read that right: I went as a journalist & got to meet and interview Jody Wilson-Raybould, the aboriginal Minister of Justice. She told my handy tape-recorder that she was proud to have twice joined the Paddle for the Peace to support Treaty 8 First Nations in their fight to stop the Site C Dam. While I seriously un-like what the Globe and Mail reporter did with her comments (why is it a conflict of interest for a politician to personally stand up for what they believe in, especially when the action they took was prior to their cabinet appointment??) I was glad that her remarks reached a national audience. Looking forward to this year’s Paddle for the Peace because, with dam construction happening at the same time as the Site-C case is before the courts, activists all across BC are going to make a huge splash. Minister Wilson-Raybould: you’re invited.
Have been riding my bike & listening to this great series of interviews with creatives. Crazy excited to be going to this years Web of Change. Am teaching yoga next Wednesday, first to a group of 5-7 year olds at the library (cuteness!!!) then at 12 noon at the Nest Hot Yoga. Register online, it’s only 7 bucks!!
Happy planting you righteous makers, growers, activists, healers and creatives!! May your branches be budding and your roots be supersoaked.