If the Dress Fits

Hello and happy Friday beauties!!

Hope you have all enjoyed a few satisfying, breath-full moments this week. If you haven’t, please enjoy one right now:


My latest adventures involved re-animating the life that I left behind when I ran off to join the yogis in Nicaragua.

On my way home I visited Frida Kahlo’s blue house in Mexico City (about 70 years too late: she wasn’t home). There was an exhibit of her dresses that really struck me: like a row of shed skins, the dresses dangled behind glass were so ‘her’ and so utterly, forlornly, no-one. That’s sort of how it felt to return to my life on Salt Spring Island after a long time away: faced with a dangling row of my various personas, I can choose to reanimate some, and let others go to the Goodwill. I think I’ll let go of “grumpy dehydrated office worker”. Definitely loving the ‘beauty muse/communications consultant’ costume though: keep those amazing projects coming my way!  

in Design & Communication news:

Another major library goes public domain. If colour is your mother tongue, here is your dictionary.  Cultivating the art of serendipity. Letter kerning fails. And: do you think this article makes my newsletter look sarcastic? 


Lots of people have asked after the collection of chalk painted yoga mats that I compiled while doing my Moksha teacher training.  Each night after practice, lecture, and meditation, I would go outside on my little balcony and make a chalk drawing on my yoga mat.  Then, every morning, I proceeded to sweat and stretch all over each drawing until the chalk was completely smeared. I would rinse the mat and then begin anew. A beautiful experience of impermanence!  Here is a gallery of iphone snaps I took of most of them. 

Finally … shyly… one of my ‘new’ dresses that i am stepping into is that of yoga teacher. If you have never tried hot yoga or just want a taste of a cozy fire-lit space to practice in for an hour and 15 minutes, come to my ‘by donation’ classes Wednesday, March 9th and again Wed March 16th.  12 noon-1:15  at the Nest Hot Yoga. Please, please pre-register either here or by calling me on 250.537.6322. Suggested donation $7.

Muchos abracos dear ones. Thank you for being you!

