If you have a case to make, my innovative communication tools will help you audience to get the picture.

Ready to take your offering to the next level?


I'll help you take your offering to the next level.

Stay in Touch. Get my 9-part Communications Strategy Workbook when you sign up for my newsletter.

If you have a case to make, my innovative communication tools will help you audience to get the picture.

I develop crisp, mobile responsive designs that combine hand-drawn elements, lush photography and custom iconography for a beautiful experience.

I help you do what you love in style. With clean, bold, contemporary design, I craft visually articulate, inspiring branding.

Make every word count with whip smart copy, fine editing and polished profiles. Find out what compelling telling can do for your story.

"Deeply happy to be launching this magnificent site."

Thank you a million times. The site and the new pages are utterly gorgeous. I am on my knees with gratitude! I’m beyond pleased: totally beaming."

— Brooke McNamara, author. zen monk. performer. mother

"The website is absolutely beautiful!

You did an outstanding job and I can tell that you worked super hard on it. Thank you for writing in such a way that is so compelling, clear, and precise. I've said it before and I'll say it again you totally get me! I love working with you."

— Kristin Perkins, Wide World Strong Love

"Kudos! This is SO strong."

I think the messaging and ask are both really distilled and powerful. And the design is gorgeous! This thing is really singing. Amazing work, Andrea.”


"You are on fire, woman!!!  This is SO SO BEAUTIFUL!"

The fact that it flowed out of you so easily is testimony to those precious moments when we are able to be just present, to press toward center, and let the clay rise in our hands, in that sweet unison of engagement and surrender…  What a blessing to have this site conceived in this way, as it is the medicine that is learning and birthing me in this time…"
— Petra Lentz Snow, School of Lost Borders


If you're looking for impactful communications to move hearts and foster action, book a discovery session.


If you're looking for impactful communications to move hearts and foster action, book a discovery session.