
I craft compelling campfire stories for the digital age.

Robots will not replace us.


In a world of repurposed mimicry, what draws attention are true stories. A.I. can rehash billions of fragments of content to spit out simulacra that almost — but not quite — rings true. I will work with you to discern what's distinctive and moving about your offering, then develop succinct and stylish messaging that sings.


To do this, you need someone with an ear for poetry and a head for strategy. I will work with you to dig down to the roots and bones of what you most yearn to communicate. Then, through skillful editing, I'll take the clay of your story and shape it into timeless pieces of prose that are elegant and deliciously resonant.


Think: Personal statements. Cases for support. Mission statements. You need to get to the heart of the matter with concision and precision.


When what you need to convey is deeply compelling, investing in wording it right is an assertion of your authenticity and style.

If you are after pitch perfect copy that not only defines you, but captures the ineffable edges and nuances that makes what you do so special: let's talk beauty.


Video Scripts | Profiles & Bios | Cases for Support | Product Descriptions | Tributes | Talks & Presentations


We start with a creative session to get to the heart of the matter.  People tell me it's a bit like therapy, or like starring in your own episode of This American Life.


I provide support and nurture to hone your message. I help you say what you really mean, because courage and authenticity are the spellbinding magic that compel people to slow down and listen up.


Let's face it:  everyone is a bit of a weirdo. I encourage you to reveal the blood, mud and guts along with the sheer genius of YOU.

Every one of us — the entrepreneurs, disruption agents, leaders and dreamers who are making the next world — have an incredible story to tell.


We've been forged by wonder and tempered by failure into people who have the capacity to lead impactful, big hearted social transformation.  But we are busy running — running companies, running NGOs, running movements — and lack the time/space/luxury to slow into a cohesive narration our life's work.


Anyone can feed prompts into a large language model like Chat GPT or Claude and receive reams of so-so copy.


That might be fine if you are shooting keywords out of a firehose to trick algorithms, but Chat GPT will never have the skill to carefully tease out the intricate threads of your story, pulling out the essential elements to weave them into a basket that carries the weight, warmth, and wisdom of all that you are.


As A.I.s become ubiquitous, we will become more attuned to what's genuine. Awash in mediocrity, we'll be drawn to narratives that are rooted in the personal, grounded in specific metaphors and attuned to embodied sensations. Stories that reach the heart before the head. Stories that spin our heads around for a second look. Stories that grow, and change us.


To connect —  to really break through the noise and be seen and heard — takes a special kind of storytelling, and a special kind of story.

You have it in you: my job is to pull it out. Whether we end up with gorgeous website copy, an uncannily genuine profile or a brilliant elevator pitch, I assure you that you'll emerge from our creative collaboration with one of the most useful communications tools you've ever invested in.



A theory of change statement, case for support, or finely honed elevator pitch is integral to the crafting an authentic communications strategy. Packages start at $500.

I hold the pen for solopreneurs, non-profit leaders, impact investors and organizers. If you want to see what compelling telling can do for your story: get in touch.


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